Check out our Chef & DNSimple Webinar
Ohai Chefs and potential Chefs!
On December 14th 2017 at 11:00AM PST JJ Asghar and myself (Amelia) will be hosting a live webinar talking about DNS and Automation.
If you have ever been curious about why or how you would want to automate your DNS then this is for you! We will be discussing what DNS means to your company, the advantages of using a provider like DNSimple to manange your domains, and of course how easy it is to use Chef to automate your domain provisioning with the DNSimple cookbook.
We will even be having a live demo of our cookbook in action so everyone can see how it works. After all this will we have an open Questions section so you can ask all about what DNSimple and Chef can do for you!
Sign up here to attend our webinar! Even if you cannot make it for the live showing I recommend signing up as everyone who does will get a link to the recorded webinar.
Amelia Aronsohn
Kaizen junkie, list enthusiast, automation obsessor, unrepentant otaku, constantly impressed by how amazing technology is.
We think domain management should be easy.
That's why we continue building DNSimple.