New authenticator-compatible two-factor authentication
DNSimple has been supporting two-factor authentication since 2012. The original implementation was based on an external authentication platform called Authy.
Today we are very happy to announce a complete overhaul of our 2-step verification system. The new implementation is based on the time-based one-time password algorithm and it's designed to be compatible with Google authenticator and all the various TOTP authenticators currently available.
You can find a link to enable 2-step verification in your user page.
Behind the scenes, the authentication works exactly as before: when two-factor authentication is enabled on a user account, a verification code is requested in addition to the username and password. Because our implementation is no longer based on third party services, we are now able to generate and expose the TOTP secret via barcode.
We also introduced a special recovery procedure that allows you to disable two-factor authentication in case of emergency.
There are a large number of time-based two-factor authentication apps you can use to generate a verification code. One well-known application is Google Authenticator, but you can also use the new 1password TOTP feature or keep using the Authy authenticator app with a new configuration.
If you already enabled two-factor authentication on your DNSimple user in the past, you can upgrade today to the new implementation. In the near future we will start forcing the upgrade to the new system, as the existing Authy implementation will eventually be discontinued.
For more information you can read our new two-factor authentication support page.
We'd like to thank all our beta testers for their precious feedback that allowed us to improve the original implementation. If you should have any comments, we'd love to hear from you.
Simone Carletti
Italian software developer, a PADI scuba instructor and a former professional sommelier. I make awesome code and troll Anthony for fun and profit.
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